What Content Sways Parents?

Exploring the Influence of Social Media Content in the Baby, Children & Family Category

What Sways Parents? Exploring the Influence of Social Content in the Baby, Children & Family Category

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, understanding what sways parents and caregivers into action is critical for brands in the Baby, Children & Family category. To uncover these insights, Social Soup conducted comprehensive research, surveying 1,016 Australians, including a focused study of 384 parents. One of the most compelling findings from this research is that, on average, parents take 3.6 actions after viewing content that resonates with them. Whether it is making a purchase, conducting further research, or sharing the content, these insights reveal the incredible influence social media content has in driving consumer behaviour in this category.

Key Findings: What Content Sways Parents?

Our research shows that parents are most influenced by content that is relatable, informative, and authentic, with several key factors guiding their purchasing decisions:

  • Relatable Content (52%): Parents are swayed by content that reflects their daily experiences, such as relatable parenting tips or real-life product use cases.
  • Informative Content (46%): Detailed product information that educates parents on features and how the product fits into their routine plays a significant role in decision-making.
  • Friendly Content (42%): A conversational and approachable tone resonates with parents, making content feel more trustworthy and relatable.
  • Authenticity (41%): Honest and transparent reviews are crucial, especially in this category, where trust is critical due to the safety and reliability concerns related to baby and family products.
  • Creativity (38%): Visually engaging and creatively presented content captures attention, particularly when paired with practical product demonstrations.


Most Influential Content Formats

When it comes to the Baby, Children & Family category, the research reveals that certain content formats are more effective at swaying parents than others:

  • Instagram reels (36%) and Instagram photo carousels (27%) are the most frequently cited content formats that sway parents, offering dynamic and visual storytelling opportunities that resonate with this audience.
  • TikTok videos (20%) are also influential, though Instagram dominates in this category. Parents engage more with visually driven, detailed content that allows them to see products in action.
Instagram reels and photos are the most frequently cited content types


What Actions Do Parents Take After Viewing Content?

One of the most striking insights from the research is the multi-step decision-making process parents go through after viewing content that sways them. Here is a breakdown of the actions parents take:

  • 71% purchase the product after engaging with content that resonates with them.
  • 54% conduct further research on the product to explore reviews, comparisons, or additional details.
  • 50% like the post, indicating immediate engagement and connection with the content.
  • 44% share the content with someone they know, often through dark social interactions like in-person conversations or sending screenshots.

On average, parents take 3.6 actions after seeing content that sways them, demonstrating the depth of engagement when content truly resonates.

What did people do with the content that had ‘sway’ - what were their actions?

The Power of Long-Term Influence

The research also highlights the importance of building trust over time, although not all parents need a long-standing relationship with influencers to be swayed:

  • 42% of parents have followed a creator for over a year, showing the value of consistency and relationship-building.
  • However, 23% of parents are swayed by creators they have never followed before, highlighting the impact of well-executed, one-off content that resonates with parents even without an established relationship.

One parent commented, “I’d never followed the influencer before, but their review was so honest and relatable that I immediately trusted the product and purchased it.”

Crafting Effective Influencer Marketing Campaigns in the Baby, Children & Family Category


Crafting Effective Influencer Marketing Campaigns in the Baby, Children & Family Category

To help brands tap into the potential of the Baby, Children & Family category, here are key strategies based on the research findings:

  • Focus on Relatable and Informative Content: Create content that reflects the everyday challenges and routines of parents, providing them with solutions through your product. Educational content is particularly powerful, especially when paired with relatable storytelling.
  • Leverage Instagram’s Strength: Given the dominance of Instagram reels and photo carousels in this category, focus on visually engaging, storytelling-driven content that showcases your product’s features and benefits in action.
  • Partner with Trustworthy Creators: Authenticity is paramount in this category. Work with influencers known for honest reviews, who can provide balanced opinions on your product. While long-term relationships are valuable, impactful one-off content can also sway parents effectively.
  • Use Emotional Storytelling: Content that taps into emotions—whether joy, nostalgia, or the promise of improved family life—tends to resonate deeply with parents. Highlight how your product can solve common parenting challenges and enhance family well-being.



The Baby, Children & Family category offers brands an opportunity to connect with parents through relatable, informative, and authentic content. By focusing on formats like Instagram reels and partnering with trusted influencers, brands can create content that drives multiple actions—on average, 3.6 actions—from parents after seeing content that resonates with them. Understanding these behaviours allows brands to craft campaigns that engage parents meaningfully and lead to real, measurable results.

Looking for a top-tier influencer marketing agency in Australia? Look no further than Social Soup. As a leading award-winning agency with offices in Sydney and Melbourne, we specialise in connecting brands with the most influential voices in the country. Our experienced team is dedicated to delivering impactful campaigns that drive results.