What good influence looks like content series

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Influencer marketing is one of the most powerful tools your business can leverage – but how do you work successfully with influencers to create relevant and engaging content for your brand? This is where Social Soup, Australia’s leading Influencer Marketing Agency comes in. For the past 17 years, we’ve been building integrated programs between people and brands to create lasting impact.
In our series “What Good Influence Looks Like”, Social Soup founder and board member of AiMCO – Sharyn Smith takes you through our revolutionary approach to influencer marketing to help you achieve extraordinary results – all in just a few minutes per video.

What does good influence planning look like? We take you through the five important steps to consider when building a comprehensive influence strategy.
Length: 5 min

Takes a deep dive into the Influencer Marketing Effectiveness Study.
Length: 3:24 min

Find out how the role of people-based channels in your product launch can accelerate consideration, purchase, and awareness.
Length: 3 min

Find out how to build a proactive, authentic review program for your brand.
Length: 2:30 min

Ready to snack on some serious strategy? Watch our video now and unwrap the potential of influence in the snacking world!
Length: 3:36 min
brand create impact with influence.